Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the possibility of using linseed flour for the production of wheat-rye bread "Flax Strength" of increased nutritional value in order to correct the diets of residents and workers in unfavorable living conditions. Studies of the quality of a new type of wheat-rye bread, depending on the amount of linseed flour added, were based on the scientific developments of Russian researchers in the field of improving bread quality using additives from plant raw materials (I. E. Minevich, M. I. Begeulov, T. V. Sanina and others). The subjects of the study determined yeast dough from wheat-rye flour with the addition of linseed flour in various combinations and baked wheat-rye bread from them. Linseed flour is characterized by a high content of vegetable protein, fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3, ω-6), antioxidants, vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, trace elements (potassium, magnesium, zinc). During the study, organoleptic, physicochemical methods were used. As a result of the work, it was established that the introduction of linseed flour into the recipe composition of bread up to 15 % of the total weight of flour forms high consumer qualities of finished products (organoleptic indicators), increases the nutritional value of bread compared to the traditional recipe (protein content increased to 13.3%, pectin substances - up to 2.15%, calcium - up to 38.88 mg%, iron - up to 0.93 mg%). This process is explained by the high water-retaining ability in the process of dough formation and baking of protein, fiber, pectin substances. A promising area of practical use of scientific work is the ability to produce bread "Flax Strength" of increased nutritional value for workers in the oil and gas industry working on a watch basis in the Arctic region of the Russian Federation.

quality of life, Arctic region of the Russian Federation, linen flour, bakery products, quality indicators
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