Rubrics: TRADE
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Abstract (English):
In the context of digitalization of socio-economic systems, pricing becomes especially important as a key strategic imperative for the economic development of enterprises in the field of e-commerce. Due to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution; its scale and complexity of transformations will be fundamentally new, unfamiliar to humanity. New information and communication technologies have changed old business models all over the world, leading to the creation of new business activities that are carried out only on the basis of the use of such technologies. In modern conditions, the active use of these technologies is an integral part of ensuring the competitiveness of business entities and their potential growth, which plays an important role in the development of the country’s economy. The article highlights the basic determinants of the e-commerce system in Russia, the implementation of which makes it possible to intensify business activity in this area. In this article the conceptual provisions for ensuring the economic development of the e-commerce system were substantiated. Strategic imperatives for the economic development of enterprises in the field of e-commerce were formulated. The main strategic imperative is the promotion and support of the digital transformation of pricing processes. The importance and role of digital pricing in e-commerce enterprises were reasoned. The key models of digital pricing were considered, the conditions for their use in e-commerce enterprises were justified.

pricing, digital pricing, strategic imperative, entrepreneurial activity, economic development, e-commerce system, e-commerce enterprises
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