Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic
Donetsk, Russian Federation
UDK 338.46 Сфера услуг. Экономика сферы услуг
The article considers the features of development of strategic partnership in the sphere of trade and services of the Donetsk People's Republic as a format of interaction of enterprises aimed at formation of resource and competence base of each partner; the role of strategic partnership in creation of dynamic capabilities of the enterprise aimed at creation of joint value of business structures is shown. The analysis of the main partners of strategic interaction in the sphere of trade and economic activity with enterprises of the Donetsk People's Republic is conducted. The retrospective analysis of development of strategic partnership with other states is conducted, as a result of which the conclusion is made that changes in the world business space have entailed inevitability of emergence of transformational forms and methods of interaction of domestic enterprises with foreign partners. Significant changes in the sphere of economic cooperation of the Donetsk People's Republic with enterprises of the Russian Federation after the Republic's entry into the Russian Federation are established. Based on the conducted analysis of regulatory documents and statistical material, the main directions of strategic partnership on regional and industrial grounds are defined, the forms of strategic partnership are highlighted in accordance with the program of social and economic development of the Donetsk People's Republic. A scientific and practical approach to the integrated development of strategic partnership in the sphere of trade and services of the Donetsk People's Republic has been developed, the essence of which consists in defining the main elements in their logical relationship, reflecting the general concept of the development of strategic partnership, defining the main mechanisms of strategic partnership, taking into account the set goals, the choice of partners and the regulatory framework.
strategic partnership, service sector enterprises, scientific and practical approach, cooperation, interaction
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