Rubrics: TRADE
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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the issues of interaction between participants in the retail footwear market. Strong competition in the footwear retail market encourages a full analysis of the environment in which the main players interact. The main emphasis in the study is made on the analysis of the characteristics of functioning between the leading participants in the retail footwear market in the state. The authors of the study singled out market participants, described their main goals, objectives, tools and interaction criteria. A scheme for the functioning of the state economy is proposed, based on mutually beneficial relations between the seller and the buyer, as well as their relationship with the state, the Chamber of Commerce and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The main objects of the considered by the authors in the field of retail trade in footwear are the relationships of market participants, their form and characteristics, as well as the principles that the participants follow when performing any actions.

competitiveness, retail market, footwear market, interaction of enterprises, essence of retail trade, market participants
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