Donetsk, Russian Federation
Donetsk, Russian Federation
UDK 332.145 Региональное, территориальное экономическое и социальное планирование, планы
The market of small and medium-sized businesses is an integral part and an important element of marketing research in modern conditions of the development of economic policy of the state. Small business plays an important role in the development of the state's economy, but since 2022 the number of small enterprises in the Russian Federation has significantly decreased. In 2023, small and medium-sized businesses accounted for 21% of the state's GDP. However, the contribution of small enterprises to the country's economy is only 7%. For a long period, the small business sector needs constant assessment of its real state, identification of existing development and support factors to create a concept of state support for this segment of the country's economy in modern conditions with a high degree of crisis factors, which forms the contours of small business marketing policy. For a detailed analysis of the development of the small business market, it is necessary to introduce elements of an institutional mechanism into the marketing policy of the subject, identify factors that determine the level of market development and help to offset the impact of negative factors, and this will increase the degree of direct influence on the development of the small business market and increase the share of its financial injections into state income. The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities for the development of the small business market to improve its marketing policy in modern conditions.
marketing policy, analysis, market research, small enterprises, small business, conditions and factors of development, concept, economics, assessment, problems of small business
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