Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Russian Federation
UDK 339.138 Маркетинг
The main goal of the article is to discuss ways to effectively involve young people in cultural institutions through modern marketing methods. In the context of a rapidly changing digital environment and changing preferences of the target audience, cultural institutions need to adapt and use innovative approaches in promoting and achieving effective market interaction. The article discusses the need for metamarketing tools in the museum services market. The authors agree with a number of researchers that metamarketing is a post-marketing concept for products and areas that exist in the digital information and communication field. The explanation of the widespread use and growing interest in the use of the metaverse in marketing, according to the authors, is due to the emotional readiness and technical development of society, as well as novelty and human curiosity. The authors attach particular importance to the feasibility of taking into account the needs of representatives of the younger generation, which are characterized by a manifestation of interest in virtual reality, gamification, metaverse in everyday life. The article gives a behavioral characteristic of the youth target audience of museums. The authors cite the results of research on the immersive experience of visiting the exposition of one of the museums by young people. The article also contains the results of a survey organized by the team of authors, which make it possible to draw conclusions about the advisability of expanding marketing tools in the museum industry to the target audience "youth" and the inclusion of elements of metamarketing in marketing tactics. As a key conclusion, the authors say that metamarketing technologies should not replace the traditional functioning of museums, but only supplement, expand, improve in the event of low involvement of the younger generation in the sphere of museum services.
metamarketing, immersiveness, virtual reality, gamification, museum, youth
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