Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
UDK 339.166.8 продовольственными и непродовольственными товарами
The article tests the hypothesis of the degree of close interaction between retail and public catering enterprises and interested agents of the general ecosystem. The study was conducted among representatives of the business community of the Novosibirsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Tyva on the basis of an anonymous survey through a remote Google survey template service based on a specially designed questionnaire. This article summarizes and presents the results of constructing typological groups of interaction between retail trade and public catering enterprises and interested agents in the service sector of the Novosibirsk region. Based on methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis and tabular illustration of the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the existence of problems and prospects for such intersectoral interaction, taking into account the use of systemic, network, cooperative and value-oriented approaches to the development of the service sector. The use of the author’s methodology, based on questions specially collected in a single questionnaire, allows us to detail retail trade and public catering facilities by type of enterprise, build a combinational grouping of enterprises with a certain level of actual closeness of their interaction with interested ecosystem agents from the weakest to the strongest, describe and build models of universal connections with a description of the factors influencing the effectiveness of their use based on the methods of systemic, value-oriented, cooperative-network and resource approaches to the development of retail trade and public catering services in the future.
ecosystem, digital economy, consumer market, retail trade, public catering, network approach, interaction, economic agents, determinants, need, demand
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