Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 330.88 Новейшие направления
The digital transformation of public relations manifests itself in various spheres of entrepreneurial activity, which determines the need to research and define a new understanding of the essence of competition and competitiveness in fundamentally new conditions of the external and internal environment. The analysis of existing theoretical approaches allowed the authors of the study to propose their own version of the grouping, based on new classification features. Generalization and theoretical rethinking of various points of view allowed us to offer the author's understanding of the essence of the competitiveness of the organization in the conditions of digital transformation. The purpose of the study is to determine the modern approach to assessing "competitiveness" in the context of digital transformation. The objectives of the study are interrelated with the definition of the role of competitiveness of enterprises under the influence of digitalization. The relevance of the research is due to the application of a modern approach to the analysis of competition in the context of information technology and the definition of its role in the market.
competition, competitiveness, digital transformation, information technology, consumer, digital economy, digitalization
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