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Abstract (English):
Digital transformation in the modern world inevitably affects every area of business, including the sphere of consumer services. The development of digital services creates new opportunities to improve the processes of providing household services, optimize interaction with customers and increase competitiveness in the household services market. This article examines trends in the development of digital services in the field of consumer services. The analysis of the development of household services in Russia is generalized. The author's view is given on the concept of “household services” as a complex of business processes, each of which needs management and digital integration. An example of a process map for performing work in the field of consumer services using digital services and ecosystems is presented. The author interprets the ecosystem as a network system of interactions and relationships between participants (stakeholders) of business activities in the service sector. Based on this logic, it is proposed to consider a digital service as an element (part) of a service sector business process that can function within an ecosystem and through which value is exchanged. The characteristics of a digital service are presented on the basis of an institutional-axiological approach, which distinguishes the author’s view of the category “digital service” from existing points of view in science. Digital services in the business process of providing services that exist at the present stage of development are considered. Modern digital services are becoming not just a tool, but also a strategic resource that can make a business more competitive, sustainable and successful in the long term. The article is relevant for researchers and specialists in the field of small business in the service sector.

personal services, process improvement, optimization of interaction with customers, digital services, digital technologies, ecosystems
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