Rubrics: SERVICE
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Abstract (English):
In the context of digital transformation, services have become an integral part of retail trade. The relevance of this topic is due to the need for retailers to adapt to the changing needs of customers and improve the quality of their services in the context of digital transformation. Effective service quality assessment allows businesses to identify areas for improvement and increase customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to increased sales and profitability. This article examines the concept of services, their features and various parameters for evaluating the quality of services. The terms of the service and its classification are also presented. The main focus of the article is on methods of evaluating services, such as the “SERVQUAL” model, the “Customer Satisfaction Index – CSI” index and the “Net Promoter Score – NPS” index. All three service assessment methods measure customer satisfaction. They provide businesses with feedback on how well they meet their customers' needs and expectations. Each method determines the advantages and disadvantages of the services provided by the enterprise, which is necessary for the analysis and improvement of service activities.

service, features of services, quality of services, retailers, assessment methods
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