Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Human resource management is important for any enterprise. Well-motivated staff will be able to find ways to solve many non-standard situations, preserving and exaggerating the company's profits. It is also interpersonal contacts that help to establish formal and informal ties, which play a crucial role in choosing an enterprise with which you want to continue working. The adaptation of new employees allows you to keep the spirit of the work team, the continuity of relationships with customers. Large companies are developing a special adaptation system so that the accepted employee joins the working team as fully and quickly as possible. Smaller companies use less formalized adaptation procedures. The interest of any company is that an accepted employee spends his/her resources on effective work within the team, rather than searching for solutions to everyday issues. Staff is a key asset of the service sector. Hotel operators have been building a brand reputation for years, for which they have developed a personnel management system. One of the key points of the personnel management system is the issue of employee adaptation to the enterprise. With the successful organization of the adaptation process, the company can gain a significant advantage – the presence of a cohesive professional team. International hotel operators develop and adapt best practices that will allow the company to save time and material resources and focus on the quality of services provided. The article describes the types of training used and the formalized procedures fixed by the personnel management policy. Recommendations are also given to expand the possibilities of adaptation not only through individual training, but also through collective actions to form a team spirit.

staff adaptation, Hotel business
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