Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1993 to 01.01.2019
Siberian Federal University (Chair of Digital Financial Technologies of Sberbank of Russia, Associate professor)
from 01.01.2007 until now
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 339.133 Спрос
This article represents a practical study in the field of data analysis. In the rapidly changing retail market, accurate sales forecasting is crucial for maintaining business competitiveness. The study explores time series forecasting methods and models implemented using machine learning. We analyze sales data from the largest retail network in the Krasnoyarsk region, training the model on a two-year period. The review of scientific research allowed us to identify the most commonly used methods by analysts, assess the availability of data, and determine a preliminary list of factors influencing sales volume. Our study presents data preprocessing methods, stages of building and using forecast models. Various forecasting methods and machine learning models for building time series are described and compared, such as the Holt-Winters method, the additive linear model Prophet, and the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model. To evaluate forecast accuracy, we calculate the mean absolute error, mean squared error, and mean absolute percentage error. This research provides readers with an understanding of sales forecasting possibilities using machine learning models. The obtained results allowed us to justify the choice of the best time series forecast model, enabling more effective inventory management through accurate sales forecasting.
sales forecasting, time series models, trade, predictive analytics, forecast evaluation metrics, machine learning (ML)
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