Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Recommendation systems are widely used in online services to provide personalized recommendations to users, which helps to improve the user experience and increase business efficiency. This article provides a comparative analysis of the mathematical algorithms used to build recommendation systems. The article discusses the main classes of algorithms, such as collaborative filtering, content methods, hybrid approaches and algorithms based on matrix decompositions, as well as clustering methods. For each class of algorithms, there is an overview of the basic principles of research, advantages and disadvantages. A comparative analysis of algorithms based on their accuracy, speed, scalability and ability to work with sparse data is carried out. The issue of resistance of algorithms to cold starts and ways to overcome it are also considered. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that there is no universal algorithm that would be suitable for all types of recommender system problems. The selection of the optimal algorithm depends on the specific task, data characteristics and requirements for the quality of recommendations. Further research in this area can be aimed at developing new hybrid algorithms that take into account the features of modern online services and improve the quality of recommendations, as well as the development of recommender systems built on the basis of these algorithms.

recommendation systems, collaborative filtering, clustering, estimation prediction, user similarity, subject similarity, Python, SVD decomposition
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