from 01.01.2023 until now
Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 338.48 Экономическая политика в области туризма. Экономика туризма
The article is devoted to the analysis of recent changes in the hospitality industry, the food industry, and the consumer goods market evolution due to the influence of digitalization in the tourism industry. The author analyzes the impact of digital services on tourism enterprises, their impact on the growth of domestic tourism as a generator of trade flows of goods and services in related sectors of the economy. The paradigm is substantiated that the digitalization of communications of diverse, mutually complementary enterprises of touristic direction optimizes the business processes of a complex tourist product in a qualitative, temporary aspect, developing the industry of services and trade turnover. The author supposes that the digitalization of the industry has a positive effect for the growth of offers and the quality of goods and services. The key trends of digitalization are the possibility of direct communications between suppliers of goods and services and direct consumers, reduction of intermediary costs and time costs, acceleration of financial transactions for goods sold and services rendered. The using of digital services allows to flexibly manage pricing, minimize downtime for hospitality enterprises, and expand the market of offers. The purpose of the work is the methodological preparation and elaboration of the concept of creating a modern Internet website, customized for needs and peculiarities of any region with elements of 3D visualization of historical and cultural memorials, that very important to keep regional specifics, while combining the convenience of flexible preparation of a full–fledged tourist product for organizing individual trips: booking hotels, hotels, hostels, transport, food, a regional guide and more. The scientific innovation consists in assessing the impact of the creation and development of digital services for growing of quantitative and qualitative indicators of tourism in conjunction with various types of tourism enterprises, creating an author's system of criteria for assessing the impact of digital tourism services with the determination of weights for a mathematical model of tourist attractiveness of objects on the example of the Tatarstan Republic.
digitalization of tourism, individual tourism, tourism without intermediaries, effective travel tools, the impact of digitalization, digital economy
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