Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 339.37 Розничная торговля. Мелкая торговля
UDK 330.322 Инвестиции. Образование капитала
GRNTI 71.31 Розничная торговля
The article discusses various theoretical approaches to the concepts of the categories «investment» and «investment activity». A brief history of the development of theoretical approaches is presented, as well as formulations of domestic and foreign authors using them. Based on the material studied, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach are presented. Due to the inability to fully reflect the essence of these categories when using only one approach, the author focuses his attention on a mixed approach. The culmination of the study is the presentation of the author’s formulations of the categories «investment» and «investment activity» and a graphical display on their basis of the characteristics of business processes in the investment activity of a retail enterprise and a model of the process of conducting investment activity in a retail enterprise.
investments, investment activity, retail trade, theoretical approaches
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