Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 330.322.1 Инвестиции по источникам финансирования
The article presents a description of trends in the development of investment activities in various industries in the Russian Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The results of the analysis of investment activity and related indicators (dynamics of investment in fixed capital, investment in fixed capital per capita) are considered. The distribution of investment flows by various types of economic activity is presented in order to determine the most and least significant areas of investment, structural shifts by type of economic activity. A correlation was made between the distribution structure of the number of enterprises and organizations and the volume of investments in fixed capital by type of economic activity in order to determine the amount of investment in fixed capital per number of enterprises and organizations. The main focus of the study was on assessing investment activity for the most significant type of economic activity «Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles and motorcycles». In the final part, the authors identified the main patterns, features and problems of the development of investment activity in the Russian Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory over the period of time under study.
investments in fixed capital, ranked structure of distribution of investments, correlation of the structure of distribution of the number of enterprises and organizations and the volume of investments, investment flows
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