Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 339.5 Внешняя торговля. Международная торговля. Внешнеторговая политика. Таможенные пошлины
GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
The information base of the study was made up of publications by Russian and foreign scientists in the field of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of customs authorities, regulatory documents, as well as reports of customs offices of actual control of the Siberian Customs Administration on the achievement of performance indicators for the application of the risk management system during customs inspections. The article considers the threats that arise when solving the main tasks of the customs authorities to protect the interests of the state. An analysis was made of the fulfillment by customs of the required performance indicators in 2021. It is shown that the aggregation of these indicators into a single indicator of the application of the risk management system, introduced by the updated nomenclature of indicators for evaluating the activities of customs authorities, will lead to an improvement in the reporting data of customs. At the same time, a wide variation in the predicted indicator of the effectiveness of the application of the risk management system in individual customs offices in different reporting periods proves the possibility of increasing this indicator by an average of 15-20% per year. To this end, measures have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of the application of the risk management system related to strengthening customs control after the release of goods, expanding the use of the traceability system, improving technical controls and methods for calculating the performance indicators of customs inspections.
results of customs authorities' activities, risk management system, customs inspection
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