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Abstract (English):
The article examines the issues and trends in the development of the organic products market on the example of the Chinese market in terms of the development of innovative approaches to its production and assessment of the preferences of Chinese consumers. The analysis of materials showed that in Western countries, experts in the field have long appreciated the growing demand for organic products, while in China, organic food is just beginning to spread, becoming one of the key trends in the development of the national food market. The paper presents an analysis of factors confirming that in the absence of consideration of the preferences of Chinese consumers when choosing organic food, manufacturing companies run the risk of implementing an ineffective policy for promoting organic products, which significantly reduces its sales. The analysis of the Chinese organic food market showed that the experience of Chinese organic market operators can also be taken into account by Russian producers for a more effective competitive strategy in international markets.

consumer behavior, organic products, marketing research, demand, consumer preferences
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