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Abstract (English):
In the conditions of dynamic changes, the idea of the content of innovation activity has changed. It becomes important to choose the transformation option associated with innovative transformations caused by the need to adapt economic entities. At the same time, the implementation of innovative solutions predetermines the partial changes that are being carried out, which help the socio-economic system to acquire new properties. Improvements in the technological process of service and trade services, product quality, business operations ensure the development of business experience and enterprise management in changed conditions. Effective transformations determine the demand for innovations and the corresponding program of organizing activities that contribute to the formation of innovative potential for the sustainable development of companies. In this case, innovations are not a target setting, but serve as a tool for achieving the desired results and are more dependent on a team of professionals. The innovative approach is reflected in various innovations aimed at the expected commercial effects in a short time and obtaining a financial return on investments in fixed assets. Innovations determine the process features of preliminary preparation for digital transformation.

the relevance of innovation, the innovative approach of activity, the quality of innovation, the level of innovation activity, the organization of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
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