Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article proposes a concept of observance of the interests of the main subjects of interaction in the person of service providers and their consumers. The essence of the concept is that the effectiveness of management in the provision of services, taking into account the factors of harmonization of interests, is ensured by achieving and maintaining a compromise or consensus between service providers and their consumers. The necessity of theoretical, methodological and methodological development of a mechanism for coordinating the key subjects of environmental transformation in urbanized territories has been substantiated. Based on the method of tiered structuring, a multilevel space for rendering services to the population within the boundaries of the living environment has been determined. Particular attention is paid to the III level - the microdistrict (quarter) as a micro-space of the city, where, first of all, a list of the most demanded and frequently used services by the population is formed. The analysis of the relationship between the actual distribution of services and research on consumer preferences of residents of the White Rosy microdistrict is presented. The assessment of the budgetary and social efficiency of the distribution of services in the microdistrict was carried out. The use of an alternative method of accounting for the social and budgetary efficiency of urban planning projects provides an opportunity to predict the emergence of commercial and social facilities, where integrated development of territories is still planned. The set of subjects representing the social infrastructure of the microdistrict is classified according to the objectives of the activity. It has been determined that the quality of these services is an essential factor in the satisfaction of consumers of services. A tool for assessing the quality of services is proposed. The influence of the inconsistency of economic interests on capitalization is revealed. The article presents the mechanism for coordinating the interests of the main economic agents of transforming the environment in urbanized territories, which will ensure the sustainable development of these territories.

consensus of interests of consumers and producers of services, social infrastructure of the microdistrict, social efficiency, budget efficiency, consumer preferences, needs of the population, assessment of the quality of services, development of urbanized areas, comfortable urban environment, structure of services
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