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Abstract (English):
The works of scientists devoted to the study of competition and competitiveness were used as the information base of the study. The article discusses various theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the economic essence of the concepts of "competition" and "competitiveness". The discussion of economists regarding the definition of the designated categories continues at the present time, since there is a close relationship between their essence and the impact of external and internal factors on the activities of economic entities, and the list and content of these factors varies in time and space. The authors analyzed the interpretations of the concepts of "competition" and "competitiveness" in order to identify the most common features in determining their essence. Based on the studied approaches, the author's interpretation of the category "competitiveness" is formulated. The results of the conducted research can be used in the formation of a strategy for the development of business entities in the markets of goods, works, services.

competitiveness, competition, struggle, competitors, market of goods, works, services, business entity, factors
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