Rubrics: TRADE
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Abstract (English):
The article examines the issues of improving trade and food security in the Arctic territories of the region in terms of the rapid development of mining projects and processing of ores of non-ferrous metals, oil, gas transportation and the development of new logistics, including the Northern sea route and polar move. Analyzed manifested opportunities for the development of new practices of co-organization of business ecosystems integrated their use with a view to preserving traditions of indigenous peoples of the North, weak coupling areas and the high significance of the projects. The hypothesis is tested that the most successful for the development of such territories will be the formation of cooperative-network business ecosystems in relation to the goals and objectives of socio-economic development, in the cooperation of the resources of the state, business and the population. The possibilities of cooperation of digital technology resources of large corporations, the state and local communities for the implementation of new interactions for the sustainable development of territories are shown. The approaches implemented in the article can be used in research and practical projects for the development of sparsely populated, loosely connected territories of new development.

Krasnoyarsk Arctic, business ecosystems, cooperative and network interactions, integrated development of territories, territories of new development, trade
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