Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 338.48 Экономическая политика в области туризма. Экономика туризма
UDK 379.85 Туризм
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a sharp decline in global tourism. However, since it is believed that young people will travel more during the pandemic, this study aims to investigate potential effects of the illness on the youth tourism industry. An online survey was used to gather information from 134 youth in the Rostov area of Russia. Principal components analysis, which was used to examine the data, revealed that travel attitudes, preferences, and health safety were the two separate components that contributed to the participants' travel behavior during the Covid-19 crisis. Overall, the study discovered that attitudes, behaviors, and concerns about health and safety related to travel were mostly unaffected by the crisis. Furthermore, the pandemic had a stronger effect on safety and hygiene than it did on the attitudes and preferences of male participants about travel. Furthermore, the attitudes of older respondents were more rigid with regard to safety, hygiene, and travel preferences. Even with the pandemic's harm, the study suggests that youth travel may have a better future if the correct safety and health precautions are taken.
Covid-19, tourism services, youth tourism, world tourism, development of youth tourism
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