Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
UDK 334 Формы организации и сотрудничества в экономике
This article is devoted to the research of the cluster’s formation of educational services in the conditions of the development of economic relations, which reflect the modern manifestations of the sharing economy. The cluster of educational services is considered the example of a municipal autonomous educational institution in Krasnoyarsk, forming a complex of interacting participants characterized by geographical connectivity. The cluster's activities reflect not only educational processes, for the purpose of improving and accessibility of which it was created, but also economic relations that affect their effectiveness. A range of unresolved problems such as the impact of regulatory regulation, the existence of contractual relations and the need to elaborate a specific concept development is identified when a cluster is formed. Consequently, the study of these processes is crucial and it determines the relevance of the chosen scientific direction.
types of interactions, educational cluster, organizational and managerial relations, the sharing economy, services
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